Deb Garrett Photography

As a visual artist and craftsperson I understand the importance of having great images to accelerate your business but it can be challenging finding the time to understand photography when you are trying to hone your craft and stock those shelves.

LET’S WORK TOGETHER is a service where I show you the simplest way to take great images and demystify the whole process to give you the confidence and means to make photography an integral part of your craft practice.

LEAVE IT FOR DEB is a service when you need professional images, whether it be for art documentation, your website, entering competitions or residencies applications…...

Find the right solution for you…

Let’s work together

I’ll come to your studio space and together we will work to resolve your photography roadblocks.

  • How to set up a shot

  • How to find the right space

  • How to shoot in natural lighting

  • Camera settings

  • Editing images with free apps via your smartphone

Whether you have little or some experience, but would like more tailored advice, I can help you build the confidence to take great shots!

Leave it for Deb

If any of the below points apply to you then simply bring your work to me for a professional result. If you:

  • lack time

  • don’t have the right gear or equipment

  • need professional shots to enter competitions, apply for artist residencies or grants, for your website or even art documentation

  • want to focus on your craft and make that a priority, not photography